News & Resources: Blog: Estate Planning

News & Resources: Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Upcoming Event: Advance Care Planning Explained

You’ve been planning your whole life – whether it be for college, jobs, weddings, births. So, what comes next?

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A closeup of a hand holding a tab of a folder titled "Estate Plan".

Upcoming Event: Estate Planning for All Ages

Our attorney, Scott Bloom, will be at Robert Wood Johnson Fitness and Wellness in Hamilton, New Jersey on July 9th speaking about estate planning. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be a certain age to start estate planning, or learning how to do it. In fact, it’s better to start planning sooner […]

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Insights into the Stress of Caregiving on the Sandwich Generation

You can relate to being “sandwiched” between the older generation and the younger generation if you care for an aging parent or parents, as well as your own children. You may feel pulled in multiple directions while trying to meet the needs of your family members. According to the Pew Research Center, about a quarter […]

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How to Save Money While Aging Well

Since Americans are now living longer than previous generations, our retirement years may be extended as well. Since expenses, taxes, and inflation don’t go away simply because we retire, we need to make sure we have enough money to live comfortably while meeting increasing costs of living. The first step in the process of planning […]

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Prepare Your Family for the Unexpected

Having a plan in place for the unexpected means being prepared in the case of an accident, incapacitation, or death. If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it’s that life is uncertain and that caring for you and those you love is imperative, including legal preparedness. An elder law attorney and estate planning attorney can […]

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Ensure Your Estate Plan is Structured to Minimize Conflict

It is quite possible that your heirs, including minor and adult children, do not agree regarding family circumstances, particularly when it comes to inheriting your estate. Relationships can change and intensify when you die, with underlying issues that bubble to the surface, creating tensions over your estate and possibly tearing your family apart. Even if […]

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Introducing SECURE 2.0 in 2023

The first significant retirement legislation changes since 2006 was the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act (SECURE). The impact of the SECURE Act on some retirees, near-retirees, and their future beneficiaries may significantly affect you, and it’s imperative to schedule a review of your retirement accounts and estate planning documents. Changes in the […]

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Basics of Estate Taxes

A deceased individual’s estate is taxed when assets are transferred to their heirs or beneficiaries. An estate tax is not the same as an inheritance tax. It’s a tax on the total value of a person’s assets at the date of death. The estate pays the tax before any assets are distributed to beneficiaries or […]

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Estate Planning with Your Partner or Spouse

It is important to talk to your spouse or life partner about comprehensive estate planning before making any decisions. Before meeting with an estate planning attorney, it is best to discuss your ideas to present a united goal. This conversation can be challenging if you and your loved one have different points of view about […]

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A History-Making Wealth Transfer from Generation to Generation

In human history, there has never been a more critical time in terms of wealth transfer than now as baby boomers prepare their estate plans. Over the next 25 years, projections estimate 68.4 trillion dollars will be in motion to create an unprecedented transfer of generational wealth.  The post-WWII economic environment allowed the growth of assets during […]

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CLIENT Testimonial

Dear Scott - Thank you for a job well done. I've settled the estate with my siblings. I also remitted my executor's fee to the children of my deceased sister. Thanks again for all you do!
- Estate of Fay B., Cranbury, New Jersey