News & Resources: Blog: Estate Planning

News & Resources: Estate Planning

Estate Planning

Planning for the End of Life

We tend not to talk or think about end-of-life planning because it’s a difficult topic for us. But without planning for it, we will have fewer options and things may not go as well as we would like for them to. You may wish to pass away in the comfort of your home, but without […]

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A closeup of a hand holding a tab of a folder titled "Estate Plan".

Estate Planning for Unmarried Couples

The number of older Americans experiencing widowhood or divorce is on the rise, prompting them to form new partnerships. The US Census Bureau reports that more than half of all older adults have only married once, opting to stay legally single in their future relationships. Cohabitating can have unforeseen and unintended consequences without a legally recognized civil […]

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A Second Marriage’s Potential Costs

It’s unlikely that people who marry for the second time (or more) are thinking about losing assets to fund their spouse’s serious illness. But that could happen. Costs for long-term care have been rising significantly for years and continue to grow. Studies show that 70% of Americans will need some form of long-term care, which can last […]

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A Blend of Professionals Will Help You Prevent Estate Planning Mistakes

Your elder law estate planning attorney understands the array of qualified information needed to create a sound estate plan.

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A Guide to Settling an Estate

It is easy to overlook essential details if you do not have a clear plan or professional guidance.

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Understanding Estate Planning

Since each person’s situation is unique, every estate plan is different. Here are the basic steps in the estate planning process to get you started.

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Reducing the Sandwich Generation’s Financial Burden

Pew Research Center survey findings in 2021 show that 23% of Americans are part of the “sandwich generation”. As the senior population grows and younger adults struggle to gain financial independence, many middle-aged adults find themselves “sandwiched” between their children and parents. This generation is raising or providing financial support to their minor children while […]

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The Use of Charitable Trusts to Provide Income to Heirs

A charitable trust is a type of irrevocable trust that provides income to your heirs while benefiting both you and the charity. If you are philanthropically minded with nonessential assets like stocks or real estate, a charitable trust can offer many financial advantages for all those involved. Once in place, a charitable trust is irrevocable even […]

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Preparing and Reviewing Legal Documents as You Age

Hopefully, you started creating legal documents like medical advance directives, trusts, wills, and insurance policies when you were younger.

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Government Programs for Seniors

Many retirees or near retirement individuals should look to existing government programs to possibly qualify to receive assistance and reduce the anxiety many Americans feel living on a fixed income.

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CLIENT Testimonial

Dear Scott - Thank you for a job well done. I've settled the estate with my siblings. I also remitted my executor's fee to the children of my deceased sister. Thanks again for all you do!
- Estate of Fay B., Cranbury, New Jersey